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Bridging the Gap Between Operations and Finance

Bridging the Gap Between Operations and Finance

Yesterday, I was asked for more context about “bridging the gap between operations and finance”. That phrase was said to me by a participant after a training workshop and I felt that it is a good summary of what I try to do. I was a late convert to accounting, having...

What Does An Outsourced Financial Controller Do?

What Does An Outsourced Financial Controller Do?

If you struggle to get reliable financial information, or you cannot understand the information that you are getting, then you should consider taking on an outsourced or part-time financial controller. I was talking with a business owner recently who is running a...

Which Is The Right Type Of Accountant For You?

Which Is The Right Type Of Accountant For You?

Which type of accountant is right for you? Do you need to hire an accountant but you don’t understand all the different types of accountants and how they differ? Your relationship with your accountant is very important. A poor decision could have negative...

Who AccountsPLUS are NOT a good fit for

Who AccountsPLUS are NOT a good fit for

I know that AccountsPLUS is not going to be a good fit for everyone. Over the years, I have worked with many different colleagues and with many different clients.  As I review my experiences, I realise that there are some types of clients who don’t benefit from my...

Common Problems when working with accountants

Common Problems when working with accountants

If you are a business owner, you probably have an accountant. Sadly enough there are some common problems that arise when working with accountants. Having a good relationship with your accountant is very important.  This is because your accountant prepares and helps...

How much does it cost to prepare financial projections

How much does it cost to prepare financial projections

You are considering getting financial projections prepared but worried about how much this might cost. You have probably heard a lot of numbers bandied about.  I have heard of business paying up to €5,000 for a set of projections.  Some of those numbers can be quite...

Why are accountants so expensive?

Why are accountants so expensive?

I understand.  You are running a business and it’s hard to make money.  Then your accountant comes along and presents you with a high fee, anything from € 600 to possibly €1,500 or more per day for his or her work.  You struggle to understand why accountants are so...

The easy steps to changing accountants?

The easy steps to changing accountants?

Are you worried about changing accountants? Are you dissatisfied with your existing accountant but worried about changing accountants? This could be because you are fearful that it would be a lot more hassle than it’s worth? From time to time, I get asked by...

Cost of Part-time or Virtual Financial Controller

Cost of Part-time or Virtual Financial Controller

Cost of a Part-time or Virtual Financial Controller Are you running your own business and struggling with the finances?  You would love to have your own financial controller but you can't afford a full time one. You have heard someone mention part-time financial...

ERP: Developing Cross-Functional Buy-In

ERP: Developing Cross-Functional Buy-In

Today we have a guest post from John Donagher of BSM. A few years ago, I did some work with BSM on developing the client requirements for RFPs for ERP systems. I worked with John then and he is very knowledgeable about ERP and implementing ERP. John recently posted...

ERP: Developing Cross-Functional Buy-In

Is Technology making accountants redundant?

A recent post on accountingweb pressed one of my buttons. It was from a business owner who asked if the technology was making his accountants redundant. He pointed out that much of what his accountant offered to do for him was now handled quite well by the software....

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