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Six elements that make an excellent finance function

Six elements that make an excellent finance function

As a business advisor, I get to see a lot of different businesses and their finance functions. At one end of the spectrum, the finance function just does the basics i.e processing invoices, managing cash and preparing the core reports. At the other end of the...
Six elements that make an excellent finance function

Is Technology making accountants redundant?

A recent post on accountingweb pressed one of my buttons. It was from a business owner who asked if the technology was making his accountants redundant. He pointed out that much of what his accountant offered to do for him was now handled quite well by the software....
Six elements that make an excellent finance function

Making your accounts work for you.

Are your accounts giving you information that helps you manage your business? Most accounts don’t. You should make your accounts work for you. When I go into a new client, one of the first things I do is to review the existing accounts. I am looking to see if they...