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Helpful Advice And Practical Tips Will Give You The Impetus And Knowledge To Move Forward Confidently As A Business Owner.
At AccountsPLUS, we’ve always got your business’s long-term interests at heart, so you’ll get all the support, guidance and advice you need to overcome the common challenges.

To get you started, here are five short presentations that show how to get the absolute maximum from your profits, growth and people.

Improving Your Probability Of Change Success

Change is an ever-present force in the modern, digital business
world. And that means being able to innovate if your business is
going to keep pace with this increasing level of change.

In this video we explain the value of planning your change
programmes effectively and maximising the probability of
successful change.

Improving Business Growth

Growing your business effectively can be a challenge, whatever the size of your company. Raising your prices creates a bigger profit pot to fund your expansion, but this is only one option.

So what other options do you have? In this short video we take you through some alternative ways to improve your underlying growth strategy.

How To Deal With Poorly Performing Staff

Your people are the driving force behind your business. So when your team are performing badly this can have a significant impact on the performance of the whole company.

How do you turn around this poor performance? In this short video we take you through the key steps of dealing with poorly performing staff.

Improving Your Profits

If your business isn’t turning a profit then you’re very soon going to begin facing cash flow and funding issues. And that’s why a key focus on profitability is at the centre of any good business model.

But how can you proactively aim to increase your profits? In this short video we’ll show you the most practical ways to enhance profitability.

Enterprise Ireland’s ‘Finance 4 Growth’ Workshop

Good strategic planning is fundamental to the successful growth of your business. With a robust business plan, and clearly defined objectives in place, you have a genuine roadmap for success.

So where do you start the planning process? In this slide presentation, we run you through goal setting, planning and financing your growth.

Doing Business In A Time Of Crisis

In early December last, I participated in an online Webinar Series organised by Udaras na Gaeltachta. The theme of the series of “Webinars was Doing Business in a time of Crisis” and my topic was “Regenerate Your Business”.

Here is a recording of my presentation.

Want To Take Your First Step Towards Better Financial Management?

If you’re looking to increase your profitability, improve your internal processes
or take the next step in your business growth, we can help.

Find out more about our business partnerships