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There is a lot of good information available from my colleagues in Mindshop that will be very helpful to readers of this blog. From time to time, I plan on sharing some of the best thinking with you. Today’s blog post was written by David Duffy of PrincipleFocus in Australia (www.principlefocus.com.au). Here’s David’s article.

“Most of us have felt swamped at one time or another with hectic work schedules, family responsibilities, and social engagements. However, once we learn to manage our time wisely, much of the day-to-day chaos can be reduced or even eliminated.

We all have the same amount of time; it is just how we use it to do what is important. The first step is to decide what it is that we want to achieve – our goals.

The next step is to list and prioritize our activities by identifying critical deadlines, value, routine tasks, fun/relaxation time, etc.

Now we can develop a general work schedule. Many business people do not put it in writing and therefore have problems, no time for themselves or time for planning of their business. Your schedule is where you program in your daily tasks aimed at you reaching your goals.

As part of our coaching of clients to increase their effectiveness, we have developed a list of time management tips. Some of these are:

· Contract out tasks. Contract out tasks you do not have the expertise to complete. Your client will appreciate your honesty and effort to get the best result.
· Start with the most worrisome task. Start the morning, afternoon, or evening with the most worrisome task before you. This will reduce your anxiety level for the next task.
· Complete deadline work early. Not only will this reduce stress and lighten your work schedule, but it will also give you more self-confidence about managing your schedule.
·Know your capacity for stress. When you are hitting overload, take the break you need (even if it is a short one) when you need it.
· Stay organized. Take time at the end of each day to briefly organize your desk and make reminder lists of tasks for the next day or week.
· Take advantage of “down time”. Allow yourself some “down time” between busy periods to review your schedule and re-evaluate your priorities.
· Get physical. Physical exertion helps to discharge stress. Exercise, playing with children, or doing yard work are types of therapeutic breaks you should consider during times of stress.
. Have fun. Be sure to have some fun while working or playing. A good sense of humor can keep most problems in perspective.
· Divide up your time. Decide how much time to spend on business development, personal needs and family. Start by allowing 25 percent of your time for yourself.
· Build flexibility into your schedule. Your availability to family and friends depends on the flexibility you build into your schedule.
· In the bigger picture, consider the relationship between your business life and your personal life. Be realistic, keeping in mind what is most important to you.

Don’t underestimate the toll that emotional stress takes on your physical health and your ability to concentrate on your work or enjoy moments with your family. Make sure you have time for the important things.”

Helping individuals achieve balance between business and personal life is a prime objective of AccountsPLUS. Contact Jim on 086 2323525 or email him at jim(at)accountsplus(dot)ie.