086 23 23 525 info@accountsplus.ie


I never came across an accountant like you before!

All businesses have room for improvement. The most successful businesses embrace the attitude of continuous improvement. We have almost thirty years of experience in supporting continuous improvement.

We can help you develop the necessary skills by:

  • Providing Training in Lean Management approaches
  • Acting as coach or mentor to your improvement teams

Every improvement initiative is a change initiative. It is now accepted that only 30% of change initiatives succeed. We can help to improve your probability of change success by identifying your barriers to change success and take action to overcome those barriers.

We are Approved Consultants for Enterprise Ireland’s Lean Business Offer.

Get The Strategic Advice You Need To Grow Your Business

If you’re looking to increase your profitability, improve your internal processes
or take the next step in your business growth, we can help.

Find out more about our business partnerships